Jamie S. Benn, PhD, AWB®

Jamie Benn is a research scientist with the Caesar Kleberg Wildlife Research Institute. She grew up in Maryland before moving to Wisconsin to complete a Bachelor of Science in Wildlife Ecology from the University of Wisconsin-Madison, then moved to Texas to complete her Ph.D. in Biomedical Sciences at the Texas A&M University College of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences. Her dissertation research in the Cook Wildlife Lab initiated the development of an oral anthrax vaccine for wildlife which she continued evaluating in white-tailed deer for her postdoctoral research at TAMU. Two additional postdoctoral appoints with the USGS National Wildlife Health Center and the University of Florida Spatial Ecology and Epidemiology Research Lab assessed environmental aspects of wildlife disease research related to chronic wasting disease and hemorrhagic disease virus transmission. As an Assistant Professor of Research at the Caesar Kleberg Wildlife Research Institute, Jamie is devoted to improving wildlife health with broad research interests related to wildlife disease ecology, prevention, and management. Her research aims to understand patterns of disease exposure at the wildlife-livestock interface, evaluate various wildlife vaccination strategies, and develop diagnostic assays for various wildlife species. Additional research endeavors with CKWRI have evaluated ungulate ecology, land use, and dispersal patterns for improved management of reintroduced ungulate populations.